Organizational behavior in situations of change. How to deal with them?

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Sandra Janeth Paredes Jiménez
Gabriela Paola Carrasco Lara
Paola Estefania Albán Trujillo


The general objective of this research is based on analyzing organizational behavior in the face of change situations and how workers can cope with them and be able to keep their work activities in order. The methodology used has a bibliographic design of a documentary type. Concepts are established that allow showing organizational behavior as a tool that serves to know the interaction between individuals within an organization and how they can face the changes that arise during the evolution of the company itself. As a conclusion it is mentioned that changes are part of the evolution of organizations, so that preparation, learning and professional improvement are tools that serve to meet the needs that are had in the work areas and can go through these changes in a positive way, that are synonymous with progress and benefits for all. Organizations must be very clear about the goals and objectives set, with the purpose of defining strategies that are appropriate for their achievement, as well as knowing the behaviors of each of their workers, so that the organizational structure is not seen affected by possible changes that may arise within the company.


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How to Cite
Paredes Jiménez, S. J., Carrasco Lara, G. P., & Albán Trujillo, P. E. (2022). Organizational behavior in situations of change. How to deal with them?. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(1.1), 30–41.

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