Importance of external auditing in large corporate companies

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María Fernanda Mendoza Saltos
Gregorio Rigoberto Palma Macías
Alcívar Cedeño Beatriz Isabel


The objective of this research is based on evaluating the importance of external auditing in large corporate companies, based on a bibliographic and documentary design methodology. The external audit is a fundamental part in large corporations, however smaller companies also apply them, this in order to be able to know if there are shortcomings within the organization in terms of financial and accounting management that could harm their position in the market. It is evident that companies have evolved over the years, and in the search to improve their controls and processes, productive, technological and financial, they implement functions that allow them to achieve this, one of them is that when conducting audits, they can discover existing shortcomings at a financial and accounting level that undermine the proper functioning of the company. It is when, therefore, the external audit is a plus that allows specialized people outside the company to know the real situation that the organization presents so that when there are irregular situations they can be corrected and resolved in time avoiding greater consequences that may impair economic stability within the organization.


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How to Cite
Mendoza Saltos, M. F., Palma Macías, G. R., & Beatriz Isabel, A. C. (2022). Importance of external auditing in large corporate companies. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(1.1), 164–175.