Autonomy of the will and rule of law: freedom or administrative submission before the law

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José Luis Vásconez Fuentes


Latin America has experienced various social legal episodes that have served as a precedent for their societies to be forged according to the institutional framework that each country has imposed, and that in most cases recognize the people as its maximum exponent with sovereign power, worthy of freedom and democracy. The general objective of this research is to analyze whether the autonomy of the will and the rule of law is part of freedom or an administrative submission to the law, the methodology used is bibliographic design and documentary type. The autonomy of the will and the rule of law are relevant aspects of politics and society, where it has been forgotten, despite the fact that constitutionally it is intended to affirm that they are the rights of a democratic people. However, its concepts have changed over time, at convenience and individual interests. In conclusion, it is mentioned that the autonomy of the legal will in the new normality and before, was already recognized as a small range of general legal action, which revolves around the thought and the free choice of the individual as a social actor. In this sense, the citizen must adapt to the legal order of local law that is granted to him, and this will depend largely on the type of president that the country has. Therefore, it can be expressed that the autonomy of the will and the rule of law, despite being signs of democracy and freedom, will always be subject to rigorous norms and laws to which the people will always be subject, as a result of the power that the established law has. in each of the countries where they live.


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How to Cite
Vásconez Fuentes, J. L. (2022). Autonomy of the will and rule of law: freedom or administrative submission before the law. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(1.1), 267–278.