Importance of inventory systems in organizations through a bibliographic review

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Sandra Monserrate Vélez Vélez
Samuel Alberto Pazmiño Linares


The general objective of this research is to analyze the importance of inventory systems in organizations through a bibliographic review found in various documents on the web. In this sense, the inventory allows to establish the quantity of merchandise, products in process, finished products, raw materials and supplies in a balanced way. To achieve this situation, it is necessary to be able to establish an efficient administration that controls the inventory variables, for this it must generate an inventory management that allows to develop activities within the warehouse that improves the layout, location and a correct order of inputs and outputs of the goods. Therefore, inventory management makes it possible to strengthen the warehouse, give greater efficiency to the accounting entries due to the record made in the various inventory cards that describe the actions carried out both in the warehouse dispatch, and in the purchasing area, of sales, production, maintenance, and services of an organization. All of this translates into internal inventory control.


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How to Cite
Vélez Vélez, S. M., & Pazmiño Linares, S. A. (2022). Importance of inventory systems in organizations through a bibliographic review. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(1.1), 342–357.