Foreign trade and the new trend of international electronic commerce

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Nubia Elizabeth Casquete Baidal
Omar Gabriel Mejía Flores
Lissette Fernanda Alvarado Barrera


The globalized world faces constant changes at the level of economies, trade, finance, new technologies, etc., which allow modifying the way all these operations are carried out. Foreign trade has existed for a long time, it originated to cover the needs that at a certain moment could not be covered by a region or country, which led to negotiate with others, through exchanges that allowed them to obtain those goods of which it lacked. Hence, foreign trade represents an opportunity for development and growth for any country, for which the techniques and processes to carry it out must be adapted and updated, adopting all the changes that arise. At present, international electronic commerce appears, which allows the commercialization of products through technological means such as telephones and the Internet, through very simple procedures and without many protocols, such as those that must be followed when nations adjust to foreign trade.


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How to Cite
Casquete Baidal, N. E., Mejía Flores, O. G., & Alvarado Barrera, L. F. (2022). Foreign trade and the new trend of international electronic commerce. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(1.1), 473–484.

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