Implementation of a deflector to a Mercedez-Benz Atego 1725 truck and comparative analysis of consumption

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Víctor David Bravo Morocho
Edwin Rodolfo Pozo Safla
Pablo Andrés Marcillo Moya


A windbreak deflector was implemented for the cabin of a Mercedes-Benz Atego 1725-54 van type truck, with the purpose of directing the air that impacts frontally on the vehicle at high speeds, preventing it from colliding directly on the frontal surface of the vehicle. drawer to reduce fuel consumption. The disorderly and aggressive shock of the air slows down the vehicle's progress and triggers a greater demand for fuel to overcome these resistances. The design of the deflector was conducted using a CAD program and the design and resistance to external environmental factors to which it will be subjected were verified using a CAE simulation program. For the construction process, a cross matrix of fiberglass and epoxy resin binder was used. For fuel consumption, data was collected from a route of 100 km at an average speed of 90 km/h, at an altitude between 2,866 and 3,507 masl, which includes the Amazonas - Machachi service station as the starting point and the end point the Las Flores-Ambato service station, data collection was done before and after installing the deflector in the vehicle, resulting in a reduction in fuel consumption of 23.12% per year. It is concluded that the installation of the deflector benefits fuel consumption for heavy transport vehicles, especially in vehicles where the frontal area of ​​the cargo area is higher than the cabin.


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How to Cite
Bravo Morocho, V. D., Pozo Safla, E. R., & Marcillo Moya, P. A. (2022). Implementation of a deflector to a Mercedez-Benz Atego 1725 truck and comparative analysis of consumption. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(2), 73–91.