Military sports activities to improve the academic performance of the students at the Naval School

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Welinton Cristóbal Merino Narváez
Bayardo Asdrúbal Merino Narváez
Francis Lenora Castillo de la Rosa
Luis Alfonso Balseca Aulestia


The research is important in the deep analysis of military sports activities to improve the academic performance of the midshipmen of the Higher Naval School. The causes that produce a poor academic performance of athletes when they belong to a national team are many, but among the most common are lateness in the presentation of tasks, not having study habits, academic irresponsibility, consecutive absences from classes of subjects with a higher degree of difficulty. The academic consequences produce a large amount of repetition and student desertion, all these results are exposed and documented in the tabulations made of the surveys, it also seeks to improve student academic performance through the benefits that military sports activity has on physical performance. and academic of athletes, the discipline of swimming, military pentathlon, military orientation are sports that develop extraordinary results for their teaching-learning process


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How to Cite
Merino Narváez, W. C., Merino Narváez, B. A., Castillo de la Rosa , F. L., & Balseca Aulestia, L. A. (2022). Military sports activities to improve the academic performance of the students at the Naval School. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(2), 92–102.