Modernization of the administration through empowerment, is it possible in public institutions?

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Samuel Alberto Pazmiño Linares
Sandra Monserrate Vélez Vélez


Today, organizations have to adapt to modernization, adapting to the changes that derive from it, for this, they must be in constant renewal and internal structural changes, in order to adapt to the new trends that are being born. One of these most used trends is the Empowerment administrative tool implemented by many organizations, mainly private ones. The objective of this research is based on evaluating whether empowerment as part of the modernization of the administration is possible to be implemented in public institutions. The applied methodology has a bibliographic design of a documentary type. As a conclusion, it is mentioned that the transformation of the administration is necessary to achieve the goals, effectiveness, and efficiency of the organizations, taking into account the changes caused by modernization, both in technologies and processes. Each organization is responsible for assuming the changes it deems pertinent to achieve its objectives and goals. However, empowerment is a very effective tool, since it causes workers to be involved with all processes within organizations, one of the most prominent being participation in decision-making, which translates into a greater sense of belonging to their work and therefore to the organization.


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How to Cite
Pazmiño Linares, S. A., & Vélez Vélez, S. M. (2022). Modernization of the administration through empowerment, is it possible in public institutions?. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(1.1).