Published: 2022-09-15

Computational study of the behavior of two bodies with equal charges

Introduction: The behavior of electrostatic forces between two bodies of equal charges repel each other naturally, however it has been studied and it has been shown that there is a way to stabilize this system under certain conditions, being of interest for its different applications in materials science and medicine with long-term stabilization as its goal, with the help of the Electrical Double Layer theorem, overload and ionic confinement, it is predicted that it is possible under certain parameters for the system to stabilize for a limited time. Objectives: Design a system of two charged bodies immersed in an electrolyte solution; simulate the system by changing the charge of the plane, the concentration of the solution, the distance between the charged sphere and the plane; study the stabilization of the system as a function of electrostatic forces and energy. Methodology: The modeling and computational simulation methodology was used, which is based on a non-experimental process through algorithms, the study and operation of the modeled phenomena, being also a longitudinal investigation since the stabilization of the system will be studied with the change of some parameters. of the same, the construction of the system is based on the inductive method with those of Boltzmann, Stern and Bjerrum and for the study of results the deductive method has been used. Results: The study of the constructed system was carried out by means of computational simulations with the different distances with each one of the loads of the plane with different salt and concentration, where the symmetry of the system makes the force plane - sphere form an increase in the curve of the force of the cations until reaching the maximum distance from the plane, which is the size of the sphere, which means that the anions are interacting with the negative sphere and the negative plane, which means that for a few moments the sphere is not expelled by the repulsive forces these results suggest that complexation must be obtained packed structures for a certain concentration and that the entropy of the system increases. Conclusions: In conclusion, this article studied the effect of superimposing two bodies loaded with the same load in a medium with different concentrations, obtaining the stabilization of the system based on the concentration of salt and load on the plane.

Dalinda Ileana Quingatuña Cali, Joselyne Estefania Ramos Peñafiel


Propagation of Bursera graveolens (Kunt) Triana & Planch trees, by cuttings

Introduction. Bursera graveolens (Kunt) Triana & Planch, a forest species native to dry forests of Ecuador, maintains a balance in fragile xerophytic ecosystems, which affects the protection of this species in its vegetative development, the problem lies in its sexual propagation since it presents a percentage low seed germination, and in turn the limited information available on its asexual propagation. Objective. To determine the treatment with which the initial growth variables of B. graveolens obtain better behavior. Methodology. The present research work was developed in a seedbed, where a Completely Randomized Block Design was applied with two factors: i) type of substrate (A1: black earth + rice chaff + river sand, A2: black earth + cattle manure beef and A3: black earth + river sand) and ii) Auxin Concentrations (AIB) (B1: 6,000 ppm, B2: 8,000 ppm, B3: 10,000 ppm and B4: distilled water); generating 12 treatments, with 10 observations each. Parametric analysis was performed for the variables that met the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity and non-parametric analysis for the variables that did not. The variables evaluated were setting, number, height, and diameter of shoots. Results. There was no evidence of interactions between the type of substrate and auxin concentrations, but an effect of substrates. The average taking of B. graveolens cuttings was 36.9%, showing the highest percentage (51.88%) in the A3 substrate, the sprout length at 45 days was 2.04 cm. Conclusions. There was no effect on the substrate interaction with auxin (AIB) in the variables studied, an effect of the substrate type factor was observed, where the A3 substrate experienced a higher percentage in setting and sprout length.

Raúl Armando Ramos Veintimilla , Ana Alexandra Yagual González, Carlos Francisco Carpio Coba, Mario Rolando Ramos Veintimilla


Leadership skills and productivity in the work teams of CIITT laboratories, UCACUE-Ecuador

Introduction: A leader must possess a set of skills that allow him/her to guide his/her work team successfully, so that the positive impact of a good leader is reflected in the results. This study addresses the main skills and characteristics that a leader must possess to positively impact the results of his or her work team. Objective: The purpose of the study was to identify whether leadership skills have an impact on the productivity of work teams in the laboratories of CIITT-UCACUE. Methodology: A field research, non-experimental with correlational-causal scope was conducted and is limited to establish relationships between the study variables. Results: This study addresses the main skills and characteristics that a leader should possess to positively influence the results of his work team. Among the main results, it was found that there is a correlation between the skills possessed by a leader and the performance of his work team. Discussion: The importance of the leader's skills has been determined, highlighting assertive communication and adequate planning in the management of a work team. Conclusions: It is concluded that laboratory coordinators must have a shared and socialized vision with their collaborators to maintain interest focused on continuous improvement; the leader's abilities to listen, maintain effective communication channels and problem-solving capacity are highlighted.

María Belén Carpio Carpio, Juan Bautista Solís Muñoz


Anhydrous biomass in seedlings of Juglans neotropica Diels, in the nursery stage

Introduction. Juglans neotropica Diels is a neotropical native species in the Andes of South America. The natural habitat ranges from northwestern Venezuela, across Colombia, to the south of Ecuador. J. neotropica has a high market value, categorized as endangered species, yet growth parameters and biomass production are unknown. Objective. We aim to determine the anhydrous biomass in Juglans neotropics Diel’s seedlings as an indicator of the response to applying nutrient solutions based on NPK in the nursery stage. Methodology. This work was conducted in the tree nursery at the College of Natural Resources at the ESPOCH. The tree nursery is located at an elevation of 2820 m.a.s.l., in the central highlands of Ecuador. We implemented a completely randomized block design with eight nutrient combinations of NPK. We analyzed the variation of the total dry biomass per plant and per plant section with a linear mixed model in R Statistical Software. Results. There is an incident effect of the application of N on biomass. The anhydrous biomass of J. neotropica seedlings and the biometric variables evaluated in the tree nursery suggest a positive relationship that could be used as a proxy. Additionally, the plant's biomass distribution is primarily concentrated in the roots, followed by the stems and leaves. Conclusions. J. neotropica responds positively to N fertilization in the nursery stage, given that the anhydrous biomass and most early growth variables experienced greater growth yield and biomass than under the absence of nutrients.

Raúl Armando Ramos Veintimilla , Roy Vera Vélez, Jorge Eduardo Grijalva Olmedo, Mario Rolando Ramos Veintimilla


Linkage as administrative marketing strategies to promote multisectoral entrepreneurship of microenterprises in Tungurahua

Introduction: Marketing strategies are developed by a series of studies to obtain the qualitative and quantitative variables with which paths will be designed so that companies can position themselves within the consumer's subconscious to positively influence the decision at the time of making the purchase. Objectives: to determine the marketing strategies used by the multisector entrepreneurship of the province of Tungurahua. Methodology: The descriptive methodology focused on field research was used because it was necessary to establish the population and sample, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) defines that in 2021 there are 10,842 microenterprises that were contacted to apply them. a poll. Results: the most used social network is Instagram 24%, 17.3% detail that Twitter 13.5%, due to the functionalities it has, 60% of the micro-enterprises in the province of Tungurahua direct activities that focus on marketing, the managers of these companies; 33.01% of the micro-enterprises allocate 3% of the total income received by the companies to allocate them to traditional marketing campaigns, 31.41% transfer 5% of their sales margins to investment in marketing campaigns, 25 .32% do not invest in this type of commercial actions, it is established that one of the most important results occurs with 25.32%. Conclusions: This business sector prefers bidirectional communication channels to measure the level of impact of its marketing activities, which are used to develop interaction metrics with which the level of success of each institution can be verified. Area of ​​study or specialization: Administration – Marketing

Leydi Aurora Cañizares Sarabia, Mario Patricio Padilla Martínez
