Published: 2022-10-07

Escape Room as an interlearing strategy to motivate reading in eight-year-olds

The new silver methodological proposals currently in education, allow the use of active strategies such as play or gamification, in order to develop meaningful learning in children. From which arises the need to create interactive educational environments where children develop individually and collaboratively, skills such as reading, which are basic for learning. The objective of the research is to motivate children to read through an interlearing strategy such as the Escape Room. Which was verified through the application of a quasi-experimental methodology where the observation sheet was applied as a collection instrument, which consisted of 8 parametric questions from which the information that was analyzed through the SPSS program was collected, from which it was obtained that this technological tool awakens in children, motivation, attention and above all the development of critical thinking, in turn, it was achieved that they develop more digital skills in the use of these tools. Therefore, those teachers are constantly training in the new active methodology in the use of digital tools, to leave a traditional methodology and move to an active methodology. Finally, it is concluded that the Escape Room helps children to be motivated by reading using the interlearing strategy experienced various emotions when playing.

María Elizabeth Guacanes Enríquez, Claudio Fernando Guevara Vizcaíno


Participation of the family in the teaching-learning process in higher basic students

The current scientific research work is based on the participation of parents in the teaching process in upper basic students of the Bilingual Intercultural Community Educational Unit "Ciudad de Paquisha" of the Paquisha parish, of the Paquisha canton in the academic year 2021-2022. For the collection of information, the survey technique was applied to parents and students, based on the objective of the research that consists of analyzing the influence of the family in the teaching-learning process. The formation of the students is recognized, and it is considered a necessary topic of the educational community, where the topic was built in the direction of a qualitative approach according to the inductive-deductive method that leads to the division of the problems of the specific to the general. The literature review is used to document the teaching experience. In addition, among the most relevant findings, the weak influence of the family on coexistence at school is highlighted, through multiple factors such as time, the level of preparation or the available resources, whether economic or material, which cause difficulties. In addition, lead to inappropriate intervention. This analysis was interpreted in diagrams, achieving evidence that if there is a lack of family participation in the teaching-learning process of upper basic students, complicating the successful acquisition of the required knowledge.

Jheymi Catalina Imaicela Acaro, Sergio Constantino Ochoa Encalada


Virtual balance as a learning strategy of first-degree equations with one unknown

The research seeks that the learning of mathematics itself be a little more attractive to the student when solving first degree equations with one unknown, it is very common for students to enter the upper level of basic general education present multiple difficulties since they not only have to solve numbers but also letters, and to minimize this problem, the objective was to apply m the virtual scale as a strategy for learning first-degree equations with an unknown of the eighth-year students of the Educational Unit Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra. The research is of a quasi-experimental type since it studies a before (pretest) and after (posttest) of applying the virtual resource, it has a qualitative approach since the total score of the knowledge test is valued, from which a low percentage of results was obtained. progress in learning the equations of the first degree with one unknown, considering that it was applied in an institution in the rural sector and in two moments, to obtain a better result of the investigation, the time of applicability should be extended, despite this it is identified that the students improve some difficulties in identifying terms and solving operations with first degree equations with an unknown number of positive and negative integers.

Jessica Viodelda Imaicela Sarango, Marcelo Javier Sotaminga Cinilin, Sandra Elizabeth Mena Clerque
