Published: 2023-01-05

Use of ampicillin as antibiotic prophylaxis in gynecologic surgery in female dogs

Introduction. The use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine has grown since its inception. Surgical interventions in pets pose problems in the postoperative period, such as the proper use of antibiotics to prevent infections. Ampicillin has been the antibiotic of choice for veterinary use due to its elevated level of safety in animals, as well as the few adverse effects it generates in dogs. Objective. Thus, the objective of this research is to compare the effectiveness of two methods for ampicillin-based antibiotic prophylaxis in gynecological surgical procedures in two groups of female dogs. Methodology. This study has a descriptive design, with a qualitative and longitudinal approach, of an observational and analytical type. Results. 34.37% of the group did not show bacterial growth after 72 hours of incubation after prophylactic treatment, and the remaining 65.63% obtained growth from 1,000 to 3,000 CFU. In the treatment group, 37.5% did not present bacterial growth, and the remaining 62.5% presented growth of 1,000 to 3,000 CFU. Conclusion. Ampicillin is highly effective as a prophylactic treatment for gynecological surgeries in female dogs, the way of administering this antibiotic does not vary in the results of the two groups evaluated. It is advisable to use short-term antibiotic prophylaxis to reduce the incidence of bacterial resistance. Study area: veterinary.

José Patiño Marquez, Willyan Moran Obando


Competitive advantage in the commercial sector of Ambato: An analysis of consumer behavior

The main object of this research is to analyze the competitive advantage of the commercial sector in Ambato based on consumer behavior, for which a descriptive and correlational study is carried out because it seeks to find out and detail the relationship that exists between both variables, its approach is quantitative because the results obtained through the survey technique were statistically analyzed, which was applied to a sample of 384 people who belong to the economically active population of Ambato, through a document that proposes options for answers on a 5-point Likert scale, the answers were obtained in the supermarkets of the city, place where the investigation occurs, which is where the field modality is created, in addition, a search for information about the variables was carried out, through authors who have previously addressed them, so it also has a bibliographic modality. The research has a statistical verification by applying the Spearman correlation coefficient, through which a moderate positive correlation is obtained as a result, so in conclusion the success of the competitive advantage strategies used by a commercial company is determined by the consumer behavior factors, this facilitates the capture of loyal and recurring customers, who prefer a specific establishment to another due to characteristics like as service, price, quality.

Stephanie Nicole Salinas Paredes, Liliana Elizabeth González Garcés


Lipolysis of fresh cheese and ripened cheese (blue cheese), factors that affect and consequences

Introduction: of the lipolysis process in cheeses is one of the major biochemical changes especially in the mature type, this process is generated by the degradation of fat, enzymatically that influences the sensory characteristics of cheeses, since the free fatty acids (GLA) produced during lipolysis contribute together with volatile compounds to the flavor of cheese.  The objective in the present work is to evaluate the characteristics, factors and consequences that affect the process of lipolysis to both fresh and matured type cheeses. Methodology this bibliographic review was carried out through the PRISMA statement, which consists of a systematic review that is carried out in 4 steps: Identification, Screening, Choice, and Inclusion.  Results factors such as poor pasteurization in cheeses, the way of elaboration and the milk enzymes themselves (lipases) affect the biochemical process of lipolysis, because of this there is an oxidation in fresh cheeses generating low quality in the product. In matured cheeses, lipolysis is presented by some factors among which the quality of the milk, homogenization, pH, pasteurization, temperature, concentration, and degree of agitation stand out, on the other hand, the AGL in this type of cheeses are responsible for enhancing the flavor and characteristic aroma.  Conclusion the factors involved in the lipolysis process makes it easier for cheese producers to have stricter control during the production processes.  Area of study: Engineering, industry, food production.

Byron Adrián Herrera Chávez, Lucy Angelita Quevedo Barreto, Alexis Wladimir García Gaibor, Sebastián Alberto Guerrero Luzuriaga


Public services an analysis from the perspective of the commercial business sector

Introduction: the level of efficiency and satisfaction are two factors that demonstrate the type of administrative management. Objectives: the general objective was to determine the existence of the relationship between the satisfaction of the microenterprises of the Ambato Chamber of Commerce and the efficiency of the services of the public companies based on their consumption experience. Methodology: for the development of this research was used the exploratory method of bibliographic nature, with a quantitative approach, because it was investigated in digital repositories to establish the conditions required to obtain the level of satisfaction through the application of a questionnaire to survey 92 microentrepreneurs, which was validated using the coefficient of internal consistency called Cronbach's Alpha; in addition,  the Wilcoxon test was used to determine the validity of the Alternative hypothesis. Results:  the results show that 48% of companies consider administrative management excellent to efficiently manipulate the operational actions of public companies, in terms of the level of satisfaction, it is stated that 32% of microentrepreneurs are very satisfied with the leadership to coordinate good attention in public markets. Conclusions:  in conclusion, 55% of microenterprises are not satisfied with the actions of public companies in terms of administrative and technical management to offer their services within the local market. Area of study: administration – organization of companies.

Mayra Alexandra Ramírez Custodio, Stephanie Elizabeth Viera Gutiérrez, Silvia Melinda Oyaque Mora


Email Marketing to position the regional brand Galapagos - Santa Cruz in the tourism market

Introduction: The use of Information and Communication Technologies has massified within the tourism field, becoming a fundamental tool and an ally for the conquest of tourists in the different destinations that are promoted through mobile applications and web portals. Objective: To develop strategies based on email marketing to apply regional place branding in Santa Cruz Island in the tourism market. Methodology: A quantitative approach was used, by collecting data with numerical measurement, for which three instruments (questionnaires) were applied to evaluate: tourism service providers on Santa Cruz Island, visitors in situ on the island, and potential tourists from other countries who wish or intend to visit the island in the next year. Results: To identify the reliability of the 3 questionnaires, the SPSS statistical software was used, validating the construct (Cronbach's Alpha) of each variable, in addition, the scale proposed by Chaves (2016) was considered, when the values are between 0.9 - 1, excellent reliability is obtained, which means that the questions of the questionnaire are reliable. In addition, it was identified that respondents handle Instagram (54%), Facebook (19%) and WhatsApp (11%); receive notifications in their email (45%); forward advertisements (61%); share information about tourist sites (37%) and forward tourist platform information related to the Galapagos Islands (61%). Likewise, we proceeded to identify the level of relationship between the variables using Pearson's chi-square identifying that the calculated p-value is less than the standard p-value, i.e., email marketing does relate to place branding of Santa Cruz Island. Conclusions: Based on the results found, strategies are carried out to increase the economic development of Santa Cruz Island - Galapagos. Area of study: Marketing.

Daniela Carolina Aldaz Marfetán, César Andrés Guerrero Velástegui


La gestión empresarial para una buena administración de las pymes comerciales de la ciudad de Ambato

Introduction: When defining business management, it can be analyzed that it is the result of the implementation of business objectives, the accelerated process that derives from innovations has allowed massive access to information, communication, resulting in profound changes in the economic and organizational sphere. in the structure of production, trade and financing worldwide.

Objectives: Analyze Business management for a good administration of commercial SMEs in the city of Ambato

Methodology: The descriptive methodology focused on field research was used because it was necessary to establish the population and sample, according to the Directory of Companies and Establishments (INEC, 2021) 870 commercial Mypimes from the city of Ambato.

Results: In relation to Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the 87 commercial SMEs of Ambato-Ecuador have resources that allow them access to ICT. Factors to reinforce the entrepreneur in relation to his company, we find topics such as: Merchandising, Research of markets, Advertising and promotion, Operations, Public Relations, Corporate Image and Financing.


Conclusions: According to the field investigation, the commercial SMEs of the city of Ambato must have a behavior system that helps to solve, the management of sales processes, clients, inventory, payments, purchases, accounting and others such as taxes and management indicators that can be obtained from the processes; above all, strategic information that reaches the employer quickly, opportunely and accurately.


Area of study or specialization: Productivity and business competitiveness

Keywords: Business Management, SMEs, Organizational Development, Reorganization

Nicole Alejandra Miño Ayala, Gustavo Alejandro Mayorga Pozo, Mario Patricio Padilla Martínez


Brand management and digital marketing in agricultural sector companies’ case: Ambato-Tungurahua

Introduction: This study is based on the low positioning of the brand in twenty-five companies in the agricultural sector in the city of Ambato, and digital marketing. Objectives: Therefore, the importance of brand management and digital marketing in the agricultural sector in the city of Ambato is proposed as an objective, and to evaluate what tools with current trends have been used. Methodology: The qualitative approach was used for the explanatory development of the studied reality, which reflected the need to measure and predict the research problem, taking 160 respondents as a sample, 49% mentioned having a feeling of trust in brands, the 73% that must include personality and identity, 73% greater attention to tastes and values, 74% contain differentiated characteristics and 72% must use digital platforms and social networks to advertise. Results: Consequently, the importance of trust is considered as a feeling of perception of brands, as well as quality, availability, geographic location, color, weight, size, supplies, continuous training for sales and production, generating original and reliable products. Conclusions: Digital marketing tools will contribute to the sector to achieve business interests and goals, opening multiple opportunities for a better connection with the client. Study area: Administration

Bryan Paul Barros Yanza, Edwin Javier Santamaría Freire


Digital marketing management model for SMEs: a study of structural equations

Introduction. Digital marketing in post-COVID-19 terms has been an obvious need for the survival of organizations. General objective. Study the construct validity of a digital marketing model from the metric behavior of expert criteria. Methodology. This study was quantitative non-experimental cross-sectional. The method of collecting information was executed through the digital survey technique designed in Google Forms. The instrument is designed with anchors of a Likert scale of five options. The intervention was performed on a sample of 250 specialists. The indicators used in the analysis of metrics were, Cronbach's alpha, KMO, total variance explained, and matrix rotated with Varimax method. Results. The model has internal consistency, sampling adequacy, an optimal level of explanation of the behavior of its components. Factorial loads show an important contribution to the model. Conclusions. Digital marketing consists of social networks, paid advertising, mobile marketing, organic positioning, social media, email marketing and websites. This research is a partial result of the execution of the project "DEVELOPMENT OF A DIGITAL MARKETING MODEL IN THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF FOOTWEAR SMES IN THE PROVINCE OF TUNGURAHUA FROM THE CRITERIA OF EXPERTS" - UTA-CONIN-2022-0282-R. An extended thanks are made to the Directorate of Research and Development of the Technical University of Ambato.

Juan Gabriel Saltos Cruz, Lucila Alejandra Reyes Terán, William Franklin Ortiz Paredes , Edwin Javier Santamaría Freire
